Victim of life
Have you ever imagined how your life would have been like if you were able to control everything that goes in and out of your life. If you had the power to even choose the kind of life you desire to live. How things would have been like?. We are victims of life.
How you wish it had been like:
Some people are born with a golden spoon on their mouths, they look like they have everything sorted out for them. These peoples lives look perfect from our naked eyes and in most cases we wish to be like them have the things they have. It is not wrong to wish that you were born in a rich family with both parents who owned big businesses they inherited from their parents. This is a kind of life that look perfect because that child growing up already have his/ her future planned according to his needs especially financial needs.
When he goes to University they already have their own apartment and a car. This person is not worried about anything because when they graduate from higher education institutions they are guaranteed a position in a family business. Even when it comes to marriage they won’t struggle. Culturally they know who they going to marry.
How it turned out to be:
You are born in a family with both parents who don’t love each other. They are always fighting and shouting one another in front of you . The kids that grown up in this family are so broken they wish parents were dead.
On the other hand there is a child who is raised by relatives or strangers this child would trade herself to experience mothers love, because she can only imagine it . She has never and will never taste it while someone is a burden to his parents he is the course all trouble the family is experiencing. Someone is raised by a single mother , his mother works hard to provide for him but life would have been much better if his father married his mother not the other woman who doesn’t even want him to come and visit his father. This child would not go to University because his step mom won’t allow his father to give him money for studies.
There are many examples of what we go through. Some sleep their way to big job positions and some are sexually abused by strangers and family members.
The actual fact:
The truth remains, everyone is facing a hardship whether rich or poor. It’s the way life is, we are always challenged .We have different issues some have financial, family, marriage, physical and health issues. What I want to emphasize is that life it self is a challenge no one is having it easy that is why we say it goes on. No hardship is eternal we learn to live with them if we fix our eyes in the bright side with faith that no matter what pain you’ve been through, tears will dry and broken hearts will heal.
The end:
We are more than conqueror’s, despite what we face today we owe it to our selves to rise above circumstances life throw at us, because we were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, ashamed or unworthy. We were created to be victorious.
Phila Sokhela
Thursday 19 January 2017
Monday 7 March 2016
Imfundo Ifa Laphakade
Imfundo Ifa Laphakade
Namhlanje ngithanda sike sibheke ukubaluleka kwemfundo njengoba kuyisifiso sawo wonke umzali ukuthi ingane yakhe ifunde ukuze ibe nekusasa eliqhakazile.
Lapha emhlabeni kunethikithi elilodwa elikuyisa empumelelweni, lelithikithi liyimfundo ngoba ngisho sekuthiwa uyintandane awunabani kodwa uma usebenzise ithuba lokuya esikoleni usuzenzele ifa laphakade into engasoze yakushiya noma yakulahla.
Kuhle ukuthi sikhumbuzane kahle kusaqala unyaka nje ukuthi wonke umuntu onethuba lokuya esikoleni akalisebenzise, akukhathalekile ukuthi usumdala noma unezinkinga iya esikoleni ukuze ulungise ikusasa lakho kanye nelezizukulwane zakho.
Kukhona abantu emakhaya abo okungekho ngisho nomuntu oyedwa nje onesitifiketi sika matikuletsheni angisaphathike eye ziqu zemfundo ephakeme, labo bantu ngiyabathanda kakhulu ngoba ngabantu abangakwazi ukushitsha isimo sasemakubo uma nje bengafuni ukufana noquqaba lonke. Cabanga nje ukuthi laba bokuqala abazoveza ukuthi uyakwazi ukufunda uphumumelele wedwa ekhaya ibona abazoqala isizukulwane esisha esifundile somndeni wabo.
Amathuba axhaphakile kulesikhathi nalohulumeni ophethe wentando yabantu unesifiso sokubona iNingizimu Afrika efundile kungaze kuyofunwa abantu abazogcwalisa izikhala zemisebenzi kwamanye amazwe ngoba kuthiwa INingizimu Afrika ayifundile ngokuseqophelweni elifanele lezo zikhundla.
Ngisilindele ngawehlo abovu isikhathi lapho imfundo yethu izoba sezingeni eliphakeme, ezingeni lamazwe omhlaba.
Lendaba yokuthi uma umntwana ehambile wayofunda phesheya kusho ukuthi usezobangcono kakhulu akungiphathi kahle. Ngiyafisa imfundo yethu sonke ilingane kodwa ngiyathemba njengoba sifunda nje ikusasa leningiZimu Afrika liqhakazile.
Monday 21 December 2015
Abesifazane abehlise ophuzweni oludakayo ukugwema ukuhlukunyezwa
Abesilisa abehlise udlame olubhekiswe kwabesi fazane, kanjalo nabesifazane asbehlise ophuzweni oludakayo.
Ngiyathanda futhi ukunikhuthaza ukuthi niziphathe kahle ukugwema ukuhlukunyezwa ikakhulukazi ngalesi sikhathi sonyaka lapho kuwo wonke umuntu kuduma injabulo namaholidi.
Kubantu besifazane angiboni ukuthi uphuzo lubaluleke okudlula isithunzi sabo, ngoba phela akunakuphikiswa ukuthi abesifazane bubangena kabi utshwala egazini baze bakhumule izingubo zabo. Abanye bavuka sebangazazi nokuthi balalephi beholwe abantu abangabazi kwazi banike ukuthi bacoshe ziphi izifo kulowomnyama.
Ake sikugwebe ngempela nako ukuholwa loku njengoba sekukhona namaBoys. Kuthiwa kukhona labobhuti noma obaba abanemali abafike bawaphuzise amantombazane bese uma esephuzile bawalalile nama boys okuyizilwane zawo okuthiwa ziwalandela imali.
Isikhathi sika Khisimusi isikhathi senjabulo, futhi ngibona ukuthi nomkhankaso ka “16 Days of Activism” ukungumkhankaso wokulwa nodlame olubhekiswe kwabesifazane kanye nezingane ube ngalesi sikhathi ukuze sisajabula nje singakhohlwa ukuvikela laba abangakwazi ukuzivikela.Kulonyaka ka 2015 kuzobe kungunyaka ka 24 kwaqalwa lomkhankaso eningizimu Afrika.
Uma sengiphetha ngivumele ngicacise ukuthi abesifazane abangazifaki ezimweni lapho bengahlukunyezwa noma balulazwe khona egameni lenjabulo. Abesilisa siyacela ukuthi bahloniphe bonke abesifazane, akubalulekile ukuthi baziphethe kanjani kodwa babahloniphele ephuzwini lokuthi bangumfanekiso kaNkulunkulu.
Ngiyathanda futhi ukunikhuthaza ukuthi niziphathe kahle ukugwema ukuhlukunyezwa ikakhulukazi ngalesi sikhathi sonyaka lapho kuwo wonke umuntu kuduma injabulo namaholidi.
Kubantu besifazane angiboni ukuthi uphuzo lubaluleke okudlula isithunzi sabo, ngoba phela akunakuphikiswa ukuthi abesifazane bubangena kabi utshwala egazini baze bakhumule izingubo zabo. Abanye bavuka sebangazazi nokuthi balalephi beholwe abantu abangabazi kwazi banike ukuthi bacoshe ziphi izifo kulowomnyama.
Ake sikugwebe ngempela nako ukuholwa loku njengoba sekukhona namaBoys. Kuthiwa kukhona labobhuti noma obaba abanemali abafike bawaphuzise amantombazane bese uma esephuzile bawalalile nama boys okuyizilwane zawo okuthiwa ziwalandela imali.
Isikhathi sika Khisimusi isikhathi senjabulo, futhi ngibona ukuthi nomkhankaso ka “16 Days of Activism” ukungumkhankaso wokulwa nodlame olubhekiswe kwabesifazane kanye nezingane ube ngalesi sikhathi ukuze sisajabula nje singakhohlwa ukuvikela laba abangakwazi ukuzivikela.Kulonyaka ka 2015 kuzobe kungunyaka ka 24 kwaqalwa lomkhankaso eningizimu Afrika.
Uma sengiphetha ngivumele ngicacise ukuthi abesifazane abangazifaki ezimweni lapho bengahlukunyezwa noma balulazwe khona egameni lenjabulo. Abesilisa siyacela ukuthi bahloniphe bonke abesifazane, akubalulekile ukuthi baziphethe kanjani kodwa babahloniphele ephuzwini lokuthi bangumfanekiso kaNkulunkulu.
Tuesday 17 November 2015
Igqubu Lingakubulala Likuqede
Lingakubulala Likuqede
Kulengosi namhlanje sizobheka imbangela enkulu ebanga ukufa
kwengaphansi lomuntu esingabuye sikuchaze njengokuba nenhliziyo embi.
igqubu kungezinye zezinto ezibanga inhliziyo embi nenzondo.
Kubalulekile ukuxolela uma wenziwe kabi ngoba ukubamba
igqubu kubulala wena ngaphakathi, uke uthole ukuthi abanye abantu abasakwazi
ukuphumelela empilweni ngenxa yamagqubu awabambe enhliziyweni.
Uma ubuka loku kungaqhubeki empilweni ngenxa yegqubu kusuke
kungalimai impilo yalomuntu omubambeke igqubu, kodwa kusuke kume eyakho impilo.
Umenzi wegqubu usuke ephumelela kwesinye isikhathi ejabule esakhohlwa nokuthi
wake wakwenza okubi kodwa wena umile nenhliziyo eyitshe.
Omunye owazi izinto wathi uma ufuna ukuhlabekisa izitha,
zihlabekise ngempumelelo ngoba ayikho into ecasula isitha njengokubona lo
ohlukunyeziwe ephumelela empilweni.
Omunye angabuza ukuthi ungamxolela kanjani umuntu okwenze
okubi, mina ngingathi noma ngabe kukhulu kangakanani, akubalulekile okudlula
impilo yakho nempumelelo yakho. Ngakhoke
ukuxolela nokudlulisa kuyisinqubo somuntu eyedwa.
Lesi sinqumo siqukethe into enkulu okuwukukhululeka
kwenhliziyo nokuphikelela kuloku okubaluleke okudlula igqubu.
Sengiyiphetha nje lengosi ngizokhuthanza bantu bakithi
ukuthi asiyeke amagqubu ngoba avimba impumelo kuloyomnyama asincisha injabulo
Wednesday 2 September 2015
Kwaphuma Ibhayibheli kwafakwa amakhondomu Ezikoleni
Kwaphuma Ibhayibheli kwafakwa amakhondomu Ezikoleni.
Ngithi lafa elihle kakhulu,
bengithi lomkhuba wokufakwa kwamakhondomu ezikoleni nezamabanga aphansi
uzogwenywa noma kusetshenziswe enye indlela ukusiza idlanzana lezingane
ezisaziphethe kahle, kodwa kuyacaca ukuthi kuthiwa azilime ziyetsheni abafundi
abazitike ngocansi kungakabi isikhathi inqobo nje uma bezivikela.
Ngokusho kombiko oshicilelwe
kwi website ye “Love life” uthi kunezinhlangothi ezimbili kuloludaba. Uhlangothi
lokuqala oluthi ukufakwa kwamakhondomu ezikoleni kusho ukwehlulwa yimpi
yokunqanda abafundi ngokuzimbandakanya ocansini, nokukhula kwezinga lezingane
ezikhulelwayo zisafunda isikole. Uhlangothi lwesibili luthi ukufakwa
kwamakhondomu ezikoleni kubhebhethekisa ukwenziwa kocansi.
Ukuba khona noma ukungabikho
kwamakhondomu akwenzi ukuthi izingane zenze ucansi, kodwa kwenza izingane
zicabange ukuthi ukwenza ucansi zisencane kuyinto efanele nengaselona ihlazo.
Sekuyinto nje engasasabeki nengasenaso isithunzi njengona izingane sezifaka
ngisho nako facebook izithombe nama-video bangesabi nesithunzi sabo.
Konakele kakhulu ezweni lethu ngenxa yokukhula
kwe technology nokubukwa kakhulu izinto ezingakhi kumabonakude, abantu
sebephelelwe unembeza nokwazisa izinto okungamele zinekelwe izwe.
Omunye umkhokha obhebhethekisa
lemikhuba ezikoleni ekakhulukazi zethu thina ndlemnyama ukuphuma kwezifundo
zezenkolo ezikoleni. Ngokusho kwabantu abadala bathi lezifundo zazenza abantu
bawazi nomthetho kaNkulunkulu. Kodwa ngokuphuma kwalezi zifundo kwenze abantu
baziphathise okwezilwane.
Uma sengiphetha lengosi
ngizonxusa ukuthi kukhulu okusamele kwenziwe izinhlangano ezisemkhakheni
wokubhekela izidingo zabantu abasha, Kanye namabandla ukuthi kubuyiswe isithunzi
nobuntu ezikoleni. Izikole akungani inkundla zokuphuza nokubhema nokwenza
ucansi. Akuthi noma abafundi benikwa okokuzivikela kodwa bayazi nengxenye
yobungozi mayelana nokuzibandakanya kwezocansi ungakafiki ebudaleni. Kuphinde kusetshenzwe kanzima ukubuyisa isithunzi socansi
ngoba manje sekujike kwaba umdlalo wezingane zesikole.
Thursday 23 July 2015
We are Never Too Old to Need Our Parents (Noma Ungakhula Kangakanani Uyamdinga Umzali)
Abazali abaningi babhekana nezinkinga uma izingane zabo sezingena esikhathini sobudala (Adolescence). Ngokusho kwama Psychologist athi lesi isikhathi esidala umehluko omkhulu empilweni yengane, kanti ukuqhuma kwezitho zomzimba ebezingekho zingayithusa ingane uma ingatshelwa ngalolushintshon ekhaya.
Izinkinga eziningi ziqala khona ekhaya uma kunezimfihlo, noma umzali esaba ukukhuluma nomtwana ngoba engafuni ukwamukela ukuthi umtwana wakhe uyakhula.
Umtwana uyasaba ukuxoxa ekhaya ngezinkinga abhekana nazo uma ekhaya bembuka njengomuntu omncane ongenacala. Kuyenzeka umzali angafuni ukukhula nomtwana kodwa yena engazelele ngalesi senzo, loku kanti kungadala olukhulu uqhekeko phakathi komzali nengane yakhe.
Uma umtwana engayitholi inkululeko nokunconywa okwanele ekhaya uyaqala akufune ezindaweni ezimbi nakubantu abangenawo amaphupho amahle nenkathalo ngaye.
Uma umtwana ekhula kusukela eneminyaka emibili ubanemibuzo eminingi mayelana nempilo Kanye nezinto ezisuke zise duze kwakhe, Lemibuzo ayipheleli lapho kodwa iyaqhubeka ngenkathi umtwana ekhula ebona ezinye izinto ezinye edlula kuzona mathupha. kuthiwa ngesilungu "We are never too old to need our parents" noma ungakhula kangakanani kodwa uyamdinga umzali wakho ngoba uma usubhekana nezigqinamba empilweni kuba uyena okucathulisayo ngoba nendlela ibuzwa kwabaphambili.
Ukwantuleka kobudlelwano phakathi komzali nengane kwenza izingane uma zinemibuzo, ziyobuza kontanga bazo. Ontanga bazozitshela loku okuthandwa yibona, noma loku abakutshelwa emakhaya abo nabo, okungenzeka ukuthi ngeke kuyisiqondise enye ingane ngoba emakhaya sikhuliswa ngezindlela ezingafani kanjalo nezimfundiso emakhaya azifani.
Kuyinto esemqoka ukuthi umzali ayibuze imibuzo ingane yakhe ngesikole, abangani bayo Kanye nezinto zasekhaya loku kungabukhulisa ngeqophelo eliphezulu ubudlwelwano obuphakathi kwabo. Eminye yemibuzo ingenza ingane ihleke kodwa emumva kwaloko iyakwazi ukubhoboka kumzali wayo. Kubalulekile ukuthi uma sekuyithuba lengane ukuthi ibuze imibuzo umzali alalele ngothando nangesineke ingethuki,ngoba abanye abazali bavele bethuke uma bezwa ezinye izinto bese bephendula ngolaka loko kungayibalekisa ingane.
Umzali akaphendule ngendlela ezoshiya omunye umbuzo enganeni ngoba loku kungayikhulisa kuphinde kuyixwayise.
Kuba mnandi kakhululu uma inkulumo iholela umzali ukuthi naye axoxe ngezakhe naye izigameko lokhu kungenza ingane imethembe umzali iphinde yazi ukuthi edlula kukona kusasodlula. Uma ubudlelwano bubuhle nomzali nengane zincane kakhulu izinkinga abangaba nazo.
Nokuphila N
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Social networks have killed our family life
networks have killed our family life
By: Nokuphila N
Social networks have become a
nightmare in families, destroying the family values and family time. Social
networks are known to be platforms to build social relations among people who
share activities, personal interests, backgrounds and real life connections. All
these activities are shared on social networks leaving our homes empty because
all the time is spent chatting on line, facebook, whatsapp, mxit, twitter and
many more.
Time spent on social networks
leave no time for a normal conversation with someone you are sitting with, this
has happened to me many times when with people they just take out their phones
and chat like it’s a normal act to perform.
An interpersonal conversation
has lost the meaning, ever since social networking communication is growing
very high. More people are using social media services than ever before. For
example facebook is the fastest growing social media with more than 6, 1
million South Africans subscribing. It is registering more than 1million new
members in 1 month.
Facebook is a perfect
demonstration of how social media have managed to transcend age boundaries. In
the past years elders believed that facebook is for teenagers but recent
research shows that between August 2011 and August 2012 the elders usage has
grown to 44% for people over the age of 60 years. This is the age in the olden
days where grandparents will sit down with grand children and share stories
that build the children up and teach them more about their cultural values,
customs and knowledge about their identity. In our days we have lost so much
identity because less time is spent with family.
I always recall the sadness
and misery we feel when there is power shading, you will hear massages like”
ouch I didn’t charge my devices” this compliments that social networks have
become part of our daily lives, not only with good results but with bad ones
also that destroys us and our future.
Long time ago people met in
different places like taxis, playgrounds and many more, but now people do not
care much about the real people in the real world, they only talk with their
devices they get so glued in them that they will not notice if something were
to pass in front.
Social networks are good and
crucial in work places, as they contribute so much in communication and
productivity to widen business contacts. It is more effective because it’s free
and it doesn’t have security and control. Children do not play games outside
anymore but they sit indoors on social networks that expose them into all dirty
things due to no security and age restriction.
Social networks will
continue to grow because more people are joining the movement. Technology
advancement is contributing to this growth helping everyone with all the
technical tools to keep up. What is important is that we use the social media
the right way not to sabotage our quality time with our beautiful families
because we need each other to survive.
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